Men's Health (MR-10®)

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It helps to sustain the levels of male hormones, which naturally decline as men age, and enhances the well-being of men experiencing menopause by alleviating symptoms associated with hormonal decrease.

나이가 들면서 감소되는 남성호르몬 수치를 유지시켜주고, 호르몬 감소에 따라 나타나는 갱년기 현상들을 개선시켜 갱년기 남성 건강에 도움을 줍니다.

We recommend this product for

Men who want to live a more enegetic life

Men who want to maintain their masculinity

Men who want to prepare for andropause in advance

Men who want to live a more enegetic life

Men who want to maintain their masculinity

Men who want to prepare for andropause in advance

Andropause Self-Diagnostic Test

1. Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)?

2. Do you have a lack of energy?

3. Do you have a decrease in strength and/or endurance?

4. Have you lost height?

5. Have you noticed a decreased "enjoyment of life"?

6. Are you sad and/or grumpy?

7. Are your erections less strong?

8. Have you noted a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports?

9. Are you falling asleep after dinner?

10. Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance?

Andropause Complaint Rate

MR 10 andropause symptoms 191226
제목을 입력해주세요 001

How it works

MR 10 Testosterone How it work 191226

MR-10® enhances endogenous testosterone generation by 21%.

mr 10 그림 기전

Improvement of andropause symptoms by dandelion and rooibos extract complex CRS-10(MR-10) in aging male. Nutr Res Pract. 2012.

About MR-10®

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Results of Clinical Studies on MR-10®


Andropause Symptoms(ADAM)

1번 adam 그래프

48% Improvement

MR 10® enhances men’s health by improving endogenous male sex hormone generation. J Med Food (2018)


2번 Improvement rate of free testosterone

22% Improvement

MR 10® enhances men’s health by improving endogenous male sex hormone generation. J Med Food (2018)

Prostate Symptoms

International Prostate Symptom Score(IPSS)

3번 IPSS Score
4번 IPSS Improvement rate

23% Improvement

MR 10® improves men’s life by alleviating prostate-related symptoms.
Studies on biological activity natural substance extract. Clinical Trial Report. 2012. Chung-Ang University, College of Medicine