Precision Medicine

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BF 7배너 소형작게
bf 7certification mark NEW

BF-7® Authentic Product Certification Mark


This letter is to inform… Famenity… Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on June 6, 2017. Additional information was received on August 8, 2017. Your notification concerns… new dietary ingredient that you call “Brain Factor-7…”… under the trade name, “BF-7.“

Cognition Enhancing Activity

The mechanisms of Brain Factor-7 (BF-7)… are shown to be associated with the augmented production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, reduction of reactive oxidative species, and attenuation of apoptosis. Thus BF-7 should be an excellent cognition-enhancing drug.

Activation of Brain, Concentration

BF 7 berfore after 20191224 132436


fMRI shows broader and more intensified brain activation after taking BF-7®

fMRI shows BF-7®-induced activation of brain function in human (2022) Food Suppl Biomater Health.

BF 7 berfore after 2 20191224 132436


The P300 brain wave results revealed that individuals who used BF-7® demonstrate enhanced brain efficiency and reduced stress levels.

P300 wave shows BF-7®-induced improvement of brain function and decrease of stress in human (2022) Food Suppl Biomater Health.


(Memory Quotient)

BF 7 Children ps

35% Improvement

Improvement of short- and long-term memory of young children by BF-7® (2010) Korean J. Soc. Food Sci. Ntr.

High School Students

(Memory Maintenance)

BF 7 HighSchool ps

24% Improvement

Learning and memory improvement by BF-7® (2004) Korean J. Physiol. Pharmacol.

College Students

(Long-term Verbal Memory)

BF 7 College ps

55% Improvement

Improvement of short- and long-term memory and attention by BF-7® detected by P300 (2009) Clinical Report from Famenity, Seoul National University and Chung-Ang University Medical Schools.

College Students

(Long-term Verbal Memory)

BF 7 College ps

55% Improvement

Improvement of short- and long-term memory and attention by BF-7® detected by P300 (2009) Clinical Report from Famenity, Seoul National University and Chung-Ang University Medical Schools.


(Memory Quotient)

BF 7 Adults ps

20% Improvement

Improvement of brain function by BF-7® (2004) Korean J. Physiol. Pharmacol.


(Memory Quotient)

BF 7 Adults ps

20% Improvement

Improvement of brain function by BF-7® (2004) Korean J. Physiol. Pharmacol.


(Memory Cognitive Function)

BF 7 Seniors ps

22% Improvement

Improvement of memory and cognition function in the elderly by BF-7® (2006) Clinical Report by Famenity and Seoul National University Medical School.

bf 7 children

Brain Protection

BF 7 BrainProtection ps

Preventing Ischemic Damage

BF-7® inhibits the infarction of brain induced by ischemia-reperfusion (2020) Animal Research

Brain Image(SPECT)

BF 7 BrainImage SPECT ps

Improving Brain Blood Flow

SPECT shows BF-7®-induces brain blood flow in human (2022) Food Suppl Biomater Health.

Neuro Transmitter

BF 7 NeuroTransmitter ps

Acetylcholine 30% Improvement

BF-7® inhibits the decrease of acetylcholine content in brain cells by beta-amyloid (a neurotoxic protein) (2004) Korean J Physiol Pharmacol.

사격국가대표 원본 1 scaled

BF-7® is the Official Supporter of The National Shooting Team of Korea, the Olympic Gold Medal Winner.